Find Your Story Solution.

Story Coaching & Consultation.

Looking for help with your novel, screenplay or short story? Bringing decades of experience in television and film, story expert John Dusenberry can provide you with the one-on-one assistance you need to develop your story in an entertaining and compelling way.


Structural Analysis.

Buried under the surface of every great story lies a solid and meaningful structure. Different than a simply plot of events, a story’s structure reflects the author’s argument as it’s conveyed by a concert of dynamic perspectives in your story. Getting an expert analysis of your story can help you unlock the underlying motivations to help you see “The Matrix” behind your own work.

Learn Story Theory.

Ever feel like you’re stuck trying to force your creative vision into some restrictive hero’s journey or pinpoint where your hero should save a random cat? The problem isn’t you, or your story. It’s the process.

John is a certified Story Expert and mentor who teaches the Dramatica Theory of Story; a theory that allows an author to unlock the subtextual meaning behind their story, enabling them to craft a unique perspective designed to resonate with and audience, leaving them captivated and wanting more.

Script Doctoring & Punch-up Services.

You know your story is solid, but find yourself struggling to make your characters or dialogue really leap off the page. How can you make your story stand out?

With decades of experience working in tv and film, John can help you breathe life into your story and characters, even under strict deadlines and without sacrificing your voice.